Learn About Us

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sajid pro

Co-Founder and Director

Sajid Hussain Raz, a folk Sufi by heart & soul, is an IT skilled expert from Germany who explored the East & the West since childhood and realized how IT could uplift communities through the art of storytelling. Using his skills, he has ventured out into several tourism projects and is committed to solving industry issues through AI, VR & the broader IT sector. Combining his skills & expertise, he aspires to attain sustainable tourism development in Pakistan through a rich cultural exchange, and the use of IT services to create a meaningful change for local communities across Pakistan. Further more skilled in complex systems, their interdependencies, and their long-term implications, engage with and consider the needs of all stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and communities, work collaboratively with others to achieve shared goals, make decisions that are ethical and aligned with the values of the organization, new solutions to challenges, including those related to sustainability. strategically and plan for the long-term success of the organization, learn quickly and continuously improve oneself and the organization.


Zehra shallwani

Co-Founder and CEO

Zehra Shallwani is the co-founder & CEO of Dastaan Tours. During her 3 years post-graduate studies in London, she realized the tremendous potential of tourism in Pakistan and also saw significant gaps of female representation at leadership, policy & decision making positions in the tourism & handicrafts sector. After doing her MSc in Tourism, Environment & Development studies from King’s College, London, she initiated Dastaan Tours with her friend whom she met at a social entrepreneurship workshop in Ilmenau, Germany and hence began the entrepreneurial journey in 2019

Our Story

Dastaan in the 'Urdu' language means stories & travelogues. Back in May 2019, during the international student exchange programme in Ilmenau, Germany, both founders got together in the workshop on social entrepreneurship and combining their knowledge and skill sets in the fields of IT, Tourism & development studies, began working on promoting sustainable tourism development in Pakistan by curating agri-tourism, archeological, heritage, community centric, women led, historical, gastronomical, adventure, ecological, handicrafts and biodiversity tours across Pakistan. Since then, Dastaan Tours has worked with community centric tourism projects across different regions of Pakistan with an indigenous community & climate change focused projects, has developed a Virtual Reality of Mohenjodaro UNESCO World Heritage Site, formulated illustrated maps of sufi spiritual religious trail of Sindh province, curated several itineraries for various clients including solo female travellers in Pakistan.

Our Mission

To promote regenerative tourism in Pakistan to foster sustainable tourism growth, using a community & environmental centric model, through the art of storytelling. The mission is to promote Virtual Reality online tours as well as meaningful in person immersive experiences with focus on climate change, female travellers, storytelling through folklore, while creating jobs for youth, female entrepreneurship & preservation of our religious, archeological, heritage and historical sites in Pakistan

"Journeys bring power and love back into you. If you can't go somewhere, move in the passageways of the self. They are like shafts of light, always changing, and you change when you explore them. Whoever travels without a guide, needs two hundred years for a two day journey "









We Love To Explore New Worldwide Destinations.

We are open to exploring new worldwide destinations. Traveling to different places can be a great way to gain new perspectives and find inspiration. It also provides opportunities for networking and building relationships with other professionals.


Dastaan Just For You

We Provide Special Tours
And Events Across Pakistan.

This Is Our Passion

The tourism industry is a huge and diverse field that offers many opportunities for growth and innovation.

Developing and offering unique and exciting travel destinations

Focusing on sustainable and responsible tourism practices

Building partnerships with local businesses and communities to support and promote tourism in a specific area

Offering specialized tours or experiences, such as adventure travel or cultural immersion

Learn everything about Pakistan

Pakistan is a country in South Asia that offers a diverse range of tourist experiences, from natural beauty to rich cultural heritage

  • Pakistan is home to some of the world’s highest mountains, including K2, the second highest peak in the world. The country also has many scenic valleys, such as the Hunza Valley and Swat Valley, as well as several national parks, including the Deosai National Park and the Chitral Gol National Park.

  • Cultural Attractions: Pakistan has a rich and diverse cultural heritage, with many historical sites and monuments. Some of the most popular include the Lahore Fort, the ancient city of Taxila, and the Karakoram Highway, which runs through the Himalayas and is considered one of the most scenic drives in the world.


What Dastaan Tours Can Offer You


Experienced guides

Dastaan tour guides can greatly enhance the experience of traveling to a new place, as they can provide valuable insights and information about the local culture, history, and attractions


photography tours

Photography can be a great way to capture the memories of your trip and share them with others. When taking photos during tours in Pakistan, it's important to be respectful of local customs and traditions


Suitable for large groups

The experienced tour guide make your trip to Pakistan more enjoyable and educational, providing you with an in-depth understanding of the culture and history of the country.

advanced trips

Trekking and mountaineering: Pakistan is home to some of the world's highest mountains, including K2, the second-highest peak in the world. Rock climbing: Pakistan has a wealth of rock climbing opportunities, with many areas offering both sports and traditional climbing routes.

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